Water Business College (WBC) commenced with the implementation of a Pilot Programme for the entry-level Water Reticulation Practitioner Qualification (NQF Level 04) during April / May 2022.
An online platform (i.e. Microsoft Teams) was utilised (involving a limited number of learners) to establish the practice for online lectures and the administration of assignments. The pilot programme was also launched to address (and refine) potential operational, logistical and administrative challenges (including financial challenges for learners) that may arise with the formal roll-out of the entry-level Water Reticulation Practitioner Qualification. The online lectures were/are scheduled every Tuesday and Thursday afternoons from 17h00 to 19h00. Assignments were/are issued and completed on a weekly basis.
Water Business College (WBC) opted to enrol a small number (5) of learners for the pilot programme. The attributes for the initial learner group are as follows:
- The learners are employed full-time in both the public and private sectors.
- The learners are located in different provinces, including rural areas.
- An RPL process was applied for several learners.
Water Business College (WBC) currently employs a technical director and appoints two components, young engineers with appropriate qualifications and relevant experience w.r.t. water treatment/water processing and water reticulation (during the pilot programme).
The first ‘hands-on’ laboratory/field site (i.e. a prototype water reticulation system with telemetry systems) was built to simulate, for training purposes, the water reticulation processes/systems of especially water service providers (i.e. municipalities) as well as the water reticulation processes for industries (eg. mines).
Two, 2-week practical sessions were conducted during the pilot implementation phase. These practical sessions resulted in the development and updating of a practical manual.
Water Business College (WBC) renewed the rental agreement to utilise Unit H4 (Willows Office Park) for online lectures.
WBC also rented a 200m2 unit at N4 Gateway, Pretoria to establish the first hands-on’ laboratory/field site (i.e. to build the prototype water reticulation system under roof).
WBC partnered with FESTO DIDACTIC (please see video on water processing at: https://www.waterbusinesscollege.co.za/news/latest-news-videos). The partnership with FESTO DIDACTIC will enable Water Business College to apply the latest technology, software and virtual reality simulations to deliver the knowledge, practical and workplace experience modules for the above-mentioned and other qualifications.
Partnership agreements were concluded with established financial institutions offering affordable student loans, including MANATI and FUNDI.
WBC is also developing a WBC student loan agreement to cater for learners who can’t afford the financial terms/requirements of MANATI and FUNDI.
The lessons learnt during the pilot programme led WBC to develop and implement the Non-Contractual, Modular ‘Pay-As-You-Learn’ (MPAYL) system (see link: https://waterbusinesscollege.co.za/course-terms-conditions/).