Is Water Business College (WBC) an accredited training institute / Skills Development Provider (SDP)?

Water Business College (PTY) Ltd (WBC) is accredited as a Skills Development Provider (Accreditation Number QCTOSDP01200724-2088) by the Quality Council for Trades and Occupations (QCTO) to offer the following occupational qualifications at NQF Levels 4 and 8 focussing on the water services sector (please see QCTO accreditation letter at:

  • Water Reticulation Practitioner, (SAQA ID 102581 – NQF Level 04)
  • Water Infrastructure Manager, (SAQA ID 104623 – NQF Level 08)

WBC commenced with the implementation of a Pilot Programme for the entry-level Water Reticulation Practitioner Qualification (NQF 04) in May 2022 enrolling a limited number of learners. These learners, located in different provinces, are employed full-time in both the public and private sectors. 

WBC also developed/built a ‘hands-on’ / practical laboratory (i.e., a prototype water reticulation system) to simulate (for training purposes) the water reticulation processes/systems of water service providers (i.e. municipalities) and private industry (eg. mines, industrial plants, etc). 

  • Learners are required to 4 weeks in total during year 1 (in the form of two, 2-week sessions) for in-person, hands-on training at our practical site (please refer to the video link). Please see a video of our practical site by accessing the following YouTube link:  The practical site (implemented and tested during the pilot phase) is dis-assembled currently and will be operational again before the first formal practical session.

WBC intends to formally offer these qualifications from 2023 onwards.